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What Happened Here 2018 / 2019

WAS 2019: Induction Day
WAS 2019: Adriana Rabinovich: “Security”
WAS 2019: Gabriele Kern: “Let me in”
WAS 2019: Sarah Birch
WAS 2019: Exhibition Tour: “What Happened Here”
WAS 2019: Louise Shaw: Video
WAS 2019: “Eleven ShortI Interviews”
WAS 2019: Clare Crombie: Performance
WAS 2019: Claudia Figueiredo: Video
WAS 2019: Lisa Bates: “Daffodils in your Window
WAS 2019: Gill White: Video
WAS 2019: Melissa Rodd: “Time Waves”

The WAS 6 cohort:

  • Gabriele Kern
  • Gill White
  • Samantha Jessel
  • Clare Crombie
  • Lissart
  • Lisa Bates
  • Louise Shaw
  • Claudia Figueiredo
  • Juliet Bankes
  • Marina Price
  • Sarah Atwood